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Filtered Search

Learn how to access and use Filtered’s Search to quickly and easily find what you need, when you need it.

What is Filtered Search?

Filtered Search uses Filtered’s own algorithms to quickly find and surface content relevant to your Search term from your organisation’s library of learning assets, all without using Generative AI.
Filtered Search uses Filtered’s own algorithms to quickly find and surface content relevant to your Search term from your organisation’s library of learning assets, all without using Generative AI.

Accessing Filtered Search

  1. Sign in to your instance of Filtered. The first page you will see when you sign in is the Assets tab, but you can see and access the Search tab on the left-hand side panel by clicking on it.  
    1. After signing in and landing on the Assets tab, you can find the Search tab on the left-hand side.
      After signing in and landing on the Assets tab, you can find the Search tab on the left-hand side.
  1. You will be taken to the Search page with the heading ‘Search’ at the top and a 🔍 Search for assets box just below it.  
    1. When you first land on the Search tab, you should see the above page with the ‘Search for assets’ box.
      When you first land on the Search tab, you should see the above page with the ‘Search for assets’ box.
  1. Alternatively, you can append your Filtered instance URL with /search to access the Filtered AI Companion Search feature more directly, e.g.,[instance_url]/search

Using Filtered Search

  1. The 🔍 Search for assets box is a ‘live’ search that will update as you type. Type what you want to look for in the Search box to see assets start to appear in the table below it. The assets will change their order and relevance scores depdning on what you type.  
    1. Type what you are looking for in the ‘Search for assets’ box.
      Type what you are looking for in the ‘Search for assets’ box.
  1. You can show or hide columns in the table by clicking on the ‘Columns’ menu on the right-hand side, and checking/unchecking the boxes next to the columns you want to show/hide.  
    1. You can show or hide columns in the table by clicking on the Columns menu and checking/unchecking the boxes.
      You can show or hide columns in the table by clicking on the Columns menu and checking/unchecking the boxes.
  1. You can also apply filters to each of the available columns by hovering over a column title and clicking on the burger menu icon that appears next to it.  
    1. You can open a column filter by hovering over the column heading and clicking the hamburger menu icon.
      You can open a column filter by hovering over the column heading and clicking the hamburger menu icon.
  1. The Filters will be contextual depending on the column heading:
      • The Provider filter will allow you to show/hide assets from the available providers;
      • The Title filter allows you to filter assets down to those that contain the exact sequence of characters you type into the available box in their titles;
      • The Relevance filter allows you to set a relevance threshold so that only assets that have a relevance score greater than or equal to the threshold you set will show in the table;
      • The Length filter allows you to set a length threshold, in minutes, so that only assets that have a duration less than or equal to the length threshold you set are shown in the table; and
      • The Format filter allows you to show/hide assets based on the available modalities that you want to see/not see.


      Input what you want to filter and either click on ‘Apply’ or press Enter to apply the filter.
      Input what you want to filter and either click on ‘Apply’ or press Enter to apply the filter.
  1. To apply your filter, click on the ‘Apply’ button in the respective filter modals for each column. You can apply several filters at once but beware, the filters will persist even if you Search for something else. To remove a filter, open the respective filter modal and click on the ‘Reset’ button.

Adding Assets to Pathways From Filtered Search

  1. The very left column of the assets table has a checkbox for each asset. To add assets to a pathway, select the assets you want to add by clicking on their checkboxes so that a checkmark appears and the asset row is highlighted.  
    1. You can select assets to add to a pathway by checking the boxes on the left-hand side of the table.
      You can select assets to add to a pathway by checking the boxes on the left-hand side of the table.
  1. Click on the ‘Add to Pathway’ button at the bottom.
  1. This will open the ‘Add asset to pathways’ modal. Within this modal, you will see the Search or create pathway… box at the top and a list of existing pathways below that. If you start typing in that box, the pathways listed below it will be filtered down to only the ones that contain the string of characters you have entered in their titles.  
    1. You can search existing pathways by their titles in the ‘Search or create pathway…’ box in the modal that appears.
      You can search existing pathways by their titles in the ‘Search or create pathway…’ box in the modal that appears.
  1. If there aren’t any existing pathways that contain the string of characters you have entered, you will be prompted to create a pathway with the title matching the string of characters you have entered. You can click on Create pathway to both create the new pathway and add the assets you selected previously to it automatically.  
    1. You can also create a new pathway by typing in the ‘Search or create pathway…’ box and clicking on ‘Create pathway.’
      You can also create a new pathway by typing in the ‘Search or create pathway…’ box and clicking on ‘Create pathway.’
  1. You will receive notifications at the bottom-right corner of the screen depending on the actions performed. If you add assets to an existing pathway, only a single notification will appear to inform you that the action has been completed. If you create a new pathway, you will receive two notifications:
      • Pathway created notification, with a hyperlink to View pathway that will navigate you straight to that newly created pathway; and
      • Successfully added assets to notification, which tells you how many assets were added to a pathway and the pathway those assets were added to.


      You will receive notifications for your actions of creating a new pathway and/or adding assets to a pathway.
      You will receive notifications for your actions of creating a new pathway and/or adding assets to a pathway.

Sharing Filtered Search Results

  1. You can easily share your Search results with colleagues that also have access to your Filtered instance by sharing the URL generated after you have entered your search term.  
    1. The URL updates depending on what you search for, making it easy to share with others who can access your instance of Filtered.
      The URL updates depending on what you search for, making it easy to share with others who can access your instance of Filtered.
  1. The URL updates depending on what you type into the 🔍 Search for assets box. Sharing this URL will not include any filters you may have applied to the results table.

Accessing the Filtered AI Companion Search

  1. If your organisation has the Filtered AI Companion Search feature enabled, this can still be accessed via the Search tab on the left-hand side.
  1. Once you open the Search tab, there will be an additional hyperlink to the right of the 🔍 Search for assets box titled, ‘Filtered AI companion.’  
    1. If your organisation has the enhanced Generative AI Search enabled, you can access it from the Search page by clicking on the
      If your organisation has the enhanced Generative AI Search enabled, you can access it from the Search page by clicking on the Filtered AI companion hyperlink next to the ‘Search for assets’ box.
  1. If you click on that hyperlink, it will open the generative AI-enhanced Search assistant.  
    1. If your organisation has the enhanced Generative AI Search enabled, you can access both ways of Searching.
      If your organisation has the enhanced Generative AI Search enabled, you can access both ways of Searching.
  1. Alternatively, you can append your Filtered instance URL with /search/ai to access the Filtered AI Companion Search feature more directly, e.g.,[instance_url]/search/ai
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