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Review content tagging

Learn how to review content tags

1. Navigate to the ‘Assets’ tab via the side panel


2. Select a ‘Skills group’ and ‘Skill’ from the dropdown menus


3. Click the ‘Columns’ side panel and use the checkbox to reveal the ‘Source’ column

Revealing the ‘Source’ column
Revealing the ‘Source’ column
You can also reveal the ‘Authors’ column which might be helpful

4. Filter the ‘Source’ column for ‘Degreed

Filtering source to only include Degreed
Filtering source to only include Degreed

5. You can now review the relevance scores in the ‘Assets’ tab

Note: if your instance only contains assets sourced from Degreed because that is the only way you’ve added assets, there’s no need to filter using the ‘Source’ column.

To tag assets in Degreed, you need to set a relevance threshold for all skills (typically 0.8). By default, any assets with a relevance score above this will be tagged with the skill when exporting to Degreed. You can use the ‘Relevance’ filter in the Assets table to review these assets before setting the threshold when you click ‘Export to Degreed’.


You can override single asset tagging decisions using the ‘Feedback’ column:

  • To remove a skill tag for an asset where its relevance is above threshold, click the 🚫  icon for the asset for the selected skill
  • To add a skill tag for an asset where its relevance is below threshold, click either the 🤩 or 👍  icons for the asset for the selected skill
    • Both these icons have the same effect in terms of the Degreed export (i.e. adding a skill tag) - the 🤩  should be used when the asset is a perfect example of the skill (this will be useful for other use cases in the future, e.g. algorithm improvements), otherwise use the 👍
Feedback column
Feedback column
Feedback is shared by all users. You can override another user’s feedback by clicking a different icon. When exporting to Degreed, it will use the latest feedback provided by a user.
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