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Publish a pathway

Learn how to publish a pathway to Degreed

Be sure you have added Degreed API details to your Filtered instance to authenticate
Be sure that the email address you are using with Filtered is the same as the email address you are using with Degreed

1. Navigate to your chosen pathway via the side panel


2. Click the ‘Publish to Degreed’ button

‘Publish to Degreed’ button
‘Publish to Degreed’ button

3. The ‘Publish [pathway] as Degreed Pathway’ modal will appear

Notion image
Information you can find in the ‘Publish to Degreed’ modal
  • Number of Degreed assets in the pathway: The asterisk (*) indicates that this number excludes a number of assets. See Notes.
  • Visibility
  • Last published: the value for this is set to ‘Unpublished’ for new playlists that haven’t been published to Degreed yet.
  • Notes: Non-Degreed Asset Titles will be displayed to allow you to identify which assets will not be included in the published pathway

4. The ‘successfully published’ notification should be displayed

Successfully publish pathway
Successfully publish pathway

5. The information on the Filtered pathway header should be updated

Unpublished pathway
Unpublished pathway
Published pathway with a redirect link
Published pathway with a redirect link
The status of your pathway will change from ‘Unpublished’ to ‘Published’ once it’s successfully published to Degreed - click on this link to be redirected to the pathway on Degreed. See below
Visit your published pathway on Degreed
Visit your published pathway on Degreed
Note that when the Degreed pathway is deleted, a new pathway is created once the Filtered pathway is republished to Degreed
Current limitations
  • Public content (formerly One-Click Provider OCP content): We cannot currently pull in One-Click provider content to CI, so this content cannot be added to a pathway via Filtered
  • Rationale column: the rationale column won’t export to Degreed. We’ve requested Degreed to add this ability to the API via their ‘Author notes’ feature
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