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Pathway Import

Learn how to pull in all pathways from a Degreed instance to manage them in Filtered

Import pathways


1. Navigate to the side panel


2. Click the ‘Pathways’ tab


3. Click the ‘+ ADD PATHWAYS’ button or select an existing pathway from the ‘Pathway summary page

‘+ ADD PATHWAYS’ button on the pathways summary page
‘+ ADD PATHWAYS’ button on the pathways summary page

4. Click the ‘Import from Degreed’ button to pull pathways from Degreed

‘Import from Degreed’ button
‘Import from Degreed’ button

5. Click ‘Confirm’ to continue

Curator name is defaulted to ‘Imported from Degreed’. This can be updated, as needed.
Curator name is defaulted to ‘Imported from Degreed’. This can be updated, as needed.

6. Click on the ‘DETAILS’ button on the success notification message to see the import details

Details include number of pathways added, number of pathways skipped, reason for skipped pathways, option to download CSV of imported pathways
Details include number of pathways added, number of pathways skipped, reason for skipped pathways, option to download CSV of imported pathways

NOTE: The importing pathways operation will only include pathways that are set to organisation visibility. Pathways that have specific group or individual permissions will not be imported.

NOTE: Pathways may be skipped for a number of reasons, these can be:

  • The metadata for the assets in the pathway are not complete (i.e. missing a title or description)
  • The pathway contains empty sections
  • The pathway contains duplicate assets
  • The pathway contains obsolete assets
  • The pathway contains assets that do not have a Degreed URL (i.e. Tasks)
  • The pathway already exists in Filtered
  • There are errors in Degreed while processing the pathway

Where a pathway has been skipped, the details of the pathway and the reason that it was skipped for import will be available in the .csv report presented in step 6 above.

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