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Export tags

Learn how to export tags to Degreed from Filtered

1. Navigate to the ‘Assets’ tab via the side panel


2. Select a ‘Skills group’ and ‘Skill’ from the drop-down menus


3. Click the ‘Export to Degreed’ button

Export to Degreed button location
Export to Degreed button location

4. The export pop-up modal will appear

5. Set a ‘Relevance threshold’ by inputting a number between 0 and 1 using decimal points e.g. 0.8

Relevance threshold input box
Relevance threshold input box
The summary count will not include any assets marked with 🚫, and will include any assets marked with 🤩 or 👍

6. Click ‘Export tags to Degreed

Notion image

7. Once completed, ‘Export completed’ will show details of the number of assets successfully tagged, and any assets with errors

Note: the Degreed API is rate-limited to one request per second, so tagging a large number of assets could take several hours.
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