Success Centre
How can we help?

Improve your LXP

Improve discoverability by increasing relevant LXP search results from 10% to 90% to reinvigorate the user experience.

Is your curation slow and manual?

Is your curation ad-hoc & expensive due to deficient tagging and poor tooling?

Are your existing skills & skills framework linked to your content?

Do your SMEs take longer than needed to curate plans & pathways?

Make manual curation efficient and scalable.

By labelling content with your skills algorithmically, curation into LMS Pathways or LXP pathways & plans becomes easy and quick.

Use API integrations (where available) to create quality pathways on the fly.

With Filtered you can:

  • Automate and accelerate your curation efforts
  • Create exportable pathways in minutes relying on the best tagged & quality content to create new learning pathways
  • Onboard curators, SMEs and other functions to enhance & scale all your curation work
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