Success Centre
How can we help?

Curate faster

Curate relevant content 10x faster and get the best of it to the right people to build the skills they need.

Are your content tags incomplete?

Is your LXP/LMS over-flowing & are search results not optimised?

Is your content incompletely tagged - particularly of internal assets which restricts your users' ability to find the right content?

Inject tagged content into your LMS and/or LXP with confidence

By inserting cleaned & augmented metadata back into the LXP/LMS you can optimise the relevance of search returns

Use API integrations (where available) to automate this in a single click


With Content Intelligence you can:

  • Export skills as tagged metadata directly into your LXP
  • Set minimum relevance thresholds and define nuanced skills to ensure only the best content is tagged
  • Interoperate between 16 global languages, instantly
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