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Data dictionary

A glossary of all Filtered-related terms and language


Any digital resource or currently available classroom or virtual event which a) has its own URL and content metadata and b) is suitable for consumption as a standalone experience, rather than a unit which must be completed in a series of other units (see ‘Learning object’ below)


The provider of the asset (e.g. LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, Harvard Business Review)


The title of the asset


An algorithmic score (between 0-1) of how relevant an asset is for the selected skill. A score of 0.8 suggests that 8 out of 10 human reviewers would agree the asset is relevant to the selected skill


The content type of the asset (e.g. Article, Video, Course)


The duration of the asset


The language/s the asset is available in


This is the URL for accessing the full assets


A help column to record people’s quick feedback on the asset quality. Marking an asset with the “exclude” the 🚫 button will exclude the asset from being exported to your LXP


A help column to record people’s detailed feedback on the asset quality

Publication year

The year the asset was published

Date uploaded

The date that the asset was uploaded


A marker for assets which have been newly uploaded

Skill name

A helper column to append the skill name to each row when downloading CSV to enable joining to other data sources


The availability to use the asset (i.e. free, paid for, or mixed (e.g. free up to 3 articles/month)

Image URL

The image URL is used for adding the URL of asset cover images which will appear on the corresponding LXP and can is also useful when downloading assets for sharing in emails or social posts


The source of asset upload (e.g. internal upload, import from LXP)


The author of an article

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