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Single asset modal

Learn how to use a Single asset model to find out more about a specific asset

The Single asset modal is used to view the details of a single asset. These details include Summary, Format, Length, Availability, Language, Feedback, and Active pathways where the asset is included.


1. Navigate to the ‘Assets’ tab on the side panel


2. Use the drop-down menu to select a ‘Skill group


3. Use the drop-down menu to select a ‘Skill


4. Hover over the asset you would like to view


5. Click on the info icon under the ‘Action’ column

Info icon
Info icon

6. If the asset is included in a pathway you can open the pathway by clicking on the pathway title

Hyperlink to visit each pathway in which the asset is included in
Hyperlink to visit each pathway in which the asset is included in
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