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Pathway Overlap

Learn how to use the Analytics tab to identify content redundancy across pathways, helping you streamline and optimize your learning resources by reducing duplication.4o

The Pathway Overlap page in the Analytics tab helps users identify content redundancy across different pathways. Key features include:

  1. Pathway Comparison: Lists pairs of pathways with overlapping content, helping users see where duplication occurs.
  1. Number of Overlapping Assets: Displays the number of assets that appear in both pathways, quantifying the extent of overlap.

This page is useful for users to:

  • Reduce Redundancy: Identify and eliminate duplicate content across pathways to streamline learning materials.
  • Optimize Content Delivery: Ensure unique and diverse content across pathways, enhancing the learning experience.
  • Improve Resource Allocation: Make informed decisions on content creation and curation, focusing efforts on filling gaps rather than duplicating existing resources.

By analyzing this data, users can refine their content strategy to deliver a more efficient and effective learning experience.


1. Navigate to the ‘Analytics’ page using the side panel

2. Navigate to the 'Pathway Overlap’ page using the tab.

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