Success Centre
How can we help?
Getting started – Icon

Getting started

Learn how to find your URL, log in and reset your password

11 Articles

Getting value from Filtered – Icon

Getting value from Filtered

Learn about the benefits of Filtered to help you spend better, curate faster and improve your LXP

4 Articles

Search – Icon


Learn how to access and use Filtered’s Search to quickly and easily find what you need, when you need it.

1 Article

Assets – Icon


Learn how to view, filter, find and upload learning assets from your content repository

2 Articles

Pathways – Icon


Learn how to create, manage and curate pathways

7 Articles



Learn how use the Libraries tab to analyse your current and potential providers by skill coverage, and value for money, to support library procurement decisions and save on your content spend

1 Article

Skills – Icon


Learn how to use Skill Builder specific features to create new Skill Groups

1 Article

Analytics – Icon


Learn how to use the Analytics tab for data-driven insights to aid procurement decisions and reduce content spend. Identify and consolidate redundant or empty Pathways in your organization.

7 Articles

Integrating with Degreed – Icon

Integrating with Degreed

Learn how to use Filtered with Degreed to review content tagging and publish learning pathways

5 Articles


Learn how to discover content matched to your organizational skills, updated automatically with changes to your skills framework

1 Article


Learn how to generate a curation brief using a curation assistant

1 Article