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Build a great pathway - the Filtered way

A great pathway can make or break your learning initiatives. Learn which key ingredients you need when building your next pathway using Filtered


Filtered’s “house style” is best suited for introductory topics for the vast majority of your workforce. We want your audience to grasp the core concepts quickly and reliably, whilst piquing their interest to explore further should they wish.

The aim of our pathways is to provide a novice/beginner learner with enough knowledge and topic independency to go beyond the scope of our pathways, explore further and come up with a personalized application plan.

We suggest creating 30-180 min long pathways of core materials (items 1-4) with additional content (items 5+) to help create a balanced and enticing pathway. These should be mixed-format where possible, with a blend of internal & external content sources.

In our approach, we welcome flexibility in the structure, as we always take into account the audience and the ultimate goal of the pathway.

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Create a compelling Title & Description


The best pathways capture their audience. Ensure the title is enticing, with a succinct but accurate description which addresses your target audience and articulates the pathway’s purpose. Examples:


A bad example

Title: “Leadership skills”

Description: “Learn essential leadership skills the ACME way over 45 mins.”


A good example

Title: “Great leaders come in all shapes and sizes”

Description: “An introduction to the core leadership skills we want ACME leaders to have within 2-3 years of first becoming leaders. This reinforces our core values of empathy, leading with vision and attentive listening. It is best paired with ACME’s Leadership Intensive course and should take approx 45 mins.”

Structure your pathway (Why-What-How)

  1. Introduction (Why)
    1. An introductory piece of content which conveys the core concepts in a concise way to help draw the audience in and which can be consumed by all.
    2. Explanation of why this is important and what the learner will be able to understand or do differently by the end of it (ideally, referring in some basic way to proficiency). If it can relate to your industry, so much the better.
    3. Short; typically less than 10 minutes.
  1. Explainer (What)
    1. A factual description of what the concept is, typically with definitions to help form a base and consistent level of understanding of the core concept. More of the detail of what the topic is.
    2. Short- to mid-length, typically up to 20 mins.
  1. Methodology / Application (How)
    1. To help someone understand what steps they need to take: the how, when, who of the core concept
    2. Ideally internally created (i.e. your organisation’s own take on how to apply), easily applicable. If it’s not an internal source, then use a well-referenced and well-regarded source.
    3. Mid-length, typically 15-60 mins but can vary
  1. Go deeper (More)
    1. Deep dives via longer-form content, adjacencies, material of a higher difficulty level, read an entire book on the topic, complete an online courses or immersive from a MOOC or read a relevant academic paper.
    2. Varying lengths depending on the overall blend
  1. * Optional item(s) - pick at least one from the below*

Optional items


Optional items can consist of any number of the following (typically up to two) in order to create a well-balanced and enticing pathway:

  1. Self-assessment. e.g. this time management quiz
  1. Job aids e.g. a print-out of key Excel shortcuts. What would be useful to have with you on a day-to-day basis?
  1. Contrarian views. A controversial or alternative take on the subject matter of the pathway.
  1. How the skill/topic relates to the industry.
  1. Activities:
    1. Mentorship / coaching*. Would a mentor or a coach be more helpful? Who do you know that could do this? Find out how to go about getting a mentor or coach via your employer.
    2. Social media accounts*. Reputable, insightful people or organisations to follow on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. Think Sparktoro
    3. Exercises*. e.g. journal about this topic, talk to someone who might know more about it than you, summarise the pathway in 100 words, find some people at your organisation who share the interest.
    4. Opportunities to apply* e.g. What tasks or projects could benefit from applying this skill?
    5. Creating* e.g. write a blog on the topic.

*these activities might not come directly from the pool of client assets. Still, they may be highly valuable to a learner, so we include them here.


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